Hi There! My name is Michael.
I live in Poland.
My hobbies include:
Coding and...
Yeah, I'm a Linux user, or GNU/Linux as it should be called. I use Ubuntu, but I use Manjaro more and more.
My favourite computer is a Raspberry Pi. I have RPi 5B.
The microcontrollers which I use are for (some of) my projects are: (some) Arduino boards,
ESP8266, ESP32S3, Raspberry Pi Pi Pico, Pico W and Pico 2W.
Linus created Linux Kernel - the "base"
for all Linux Distributions like Ubuntu, Debian, Raspian, Manjaro, Arch Linux, etc, etc.
He wrote Linux Kernel - from zero - in 1991. He is my idol number 1.
And he still maintains Linux Kernel! Plus, he has nice quotes
Steve - Very Clever person, Apple co-founder.
You may be asking: "Why does he like Steve Jobs if he's GNU/Linux user?!"
Well, he found Apple - a company, that revolutionized computers and phones. Also, he
has nice, motivating quotes (Listed here)
Their Quotes
Here are my favourite quotes from Linus and Steve:
Linus Torvalds:Talk is cheap. Show me the code.
Steve Jobs:It takes a lot of hard work to make something simple.